The Influence of Mind Over Body.

 Modern life is stressful. Many of us walk around all day with tight muscles in our neck, our chests, our backs. It's not surprising that we get headaches, and feel tired, and sometimes even make ourselves physically ill. But just as our minds can make our bodies feel more stressed our minds can also help us relax. We're now going to do a ralaxation exercise called "Mind over matter". The expression "Mind over matter"simply means that your mind is very powerful, and it can control your physical state. In this relaxation exercise, your mind is going to tell your body how to feel. And your body will listen to your mind, and it become deeply, deeply relaxed.

 First, sit comfortable. Now, close your eyes and take couple of deep breaths. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose. Then, breathe out slowly through your mouth. Keep your eyes closed. As you breathe, repeat these words in your mind: I am feeling very peaceful and quiet. I am feeling very peaceful and quiet. Keep your eyes closed and continue to breathe gently, but normally. relax your shoulders and let the air push your stomach out as you breathe in.

 Now focus on your left arm. Think about nothing but your left arm, and say these words in your mind: My left arm fells warm and heavy. Keep saying it to yourself: My left arm fells warm and heavy. Soon your left arm will begin to feel warm and very, very heavy. Feel that now.
 Continue to breathe quietly and gently, with your eyes closed. Now focus on your right arm. Tell yourself that it feels warm and heavy.Now your left leg: My left leg feels warm and heavy. Now your right leg. Now take one last deep breathe and stretch. Open your eyes and pay attention to how you feel. Your body should feel much more relaxed and your mind shoule feel clear.


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